WRITTEN BY Mia perfetti

Assistant sound editor, BOOM BOX POST

As the Assistant Sound Editor and Background Sound Editor at Boom Box Post, I am always looking out for Pro Tools shortcuts and quick keys to be a more efficient editor. Let’s review the basic Pro Tools shortcuts that you should know before jumping into your background editorial session. 

Opening and organizing your session

Start by making sure your session is organized with everything properly imported. The first step is to open your template if you have one. My template normally consists of 8 tracks which are split into “A” and “B” so backgrounds don’t overlap. After I have opened my template, I will pull in my video, guides, add a 2 pop, and group together BGa and BGb.

Import Video

Quick key: Shift Option Command I 

Import Audio 

Quick key: Shift Command I

Writing tone for a 2-pop 

Highlight frame, Quick key: Shift Control Option 3 

Group Tracks 

Quick key: Command G

Note: Group tracks together in an “A” group and “B” group. This will help move all the files together which you can easily duplicate or copy into another place instead of having to select shift all tracks.

Save Session

Quick key: Command S


Once your session is ready, it is time to spot, or mark, all of the locations in the show. 

Create Marker

Quick key: Enter (location specific to wherever your cursor is in the timeline)

Show Marker List

Quick key: Command 5 (on keypad)


Now it’s time to place your backgrounds! Whether you are designing a new background/location from scratch, or pulling an established background from your show’s library, these quick keys will help you edit with speed.

Edit Modes

Quick Key:    Shuffle: Option 1 (on keyboard) or Function 1 (F1)

Slip: Option 2 (on keyboard) or Function 2 (F2)

Spot: Option 3 (on keyboard) or Function 3 (F3)

Grid: Option 4 (on keyboard) or Function 4 (F4)

Zoom in

Quick key: T

Zoom out

Quick key: R

Select the tracks above

Quick Key: P Shift

Select the tracks below

Quick Key: ; Shift


Quick key: B


Quick key: Z


Quick Key: Shift Z

Trim Clip End to Cursor

Quick Key: S

Trim Clip Start to Cursor 

Quick Key: A

Solo Select Track

Quick Key: Shift S

Note: Make sure the track you want to solo is selected. 

Mute Select Track

Quick Key: Shift M

Note: Make sure the track you want to mute is selected. 


Quick Key: Command D

Delete Track

Quick Key: Shift command D

Finishing session

After you have edited and added in all of your backgrounds, be sure to clean up your session before submitting it to your supervising sound editor.

Automation View

Quick Key: Option -

Note: Toggle this option so that no automation lines are visible, only clips.

For those who prefer Clip Gain - Coalesce Volume Automation to Clip Gain

Shortcut: Select all tracks - Edit tab - Automation - Coalesce Volume Automation to Clip Gain

For those who prefer Volume Automation - Coalesce Clip Gain to Volume Automation

Shortcut: Select all tracks - Edit tab - Automation - Coalesce Clip Gain to Volume Automation

Select Unused Clips in Clip List

Quick Key: Shift Command U 

Remove Unused Clips in Clip List

Quick Keys: Shift Command B

Note: Reminder to ‘remove’ them from session and not ‘delete’ files as it will delete the files from your computer as well and not just the session.

Getting these basic quick keys and shortcuts under your belt will have you editing at record speed in no time. Ready for some more advanced shortcuts? Check out this blog where we review more advanced shortcuts, tips and tricks!

What are some of your favorite Pro Tools shortcuts and why ?

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