Earlier this year, I sat down with GirltalkHQ, the digital publication which describes itself as “an inclusive digital feminist magazine amplifying diverse voices + stories,” for an interview. But, I wanted to be sure that the article they released wasn’t just going to appeal to women or feminists. Instead, I hoped to give an interesting look inside a post-production sound studio that happens to be co-owned by a woman and which maintains a 50% female and gender-expansive staff (something unique in a world where Women’s Audio Mission is still citing that only 5% of those employed in audio are women) without giving gender any weight during hiring decisions.

We discussed a wide array of topics such as how Jeff and I started the company, what we bring to our work, how we pitch ourselves for potential projects, why the female perspective is important in storytelling, how to hire and retain women in audio positions, and how we ensure that we’re allowing our company culture to evolve with the times.

I hope that you find it interesting!
